Monday, August 20, 2007


I don't know what's the problem, but for the last ten minutes I have been trying to type "I am back" as a title. As soon as I use the spacebar, all I had typed changes to questionmarks (? ?? ???? as a title doesn't seem appropriate)
I was hoping this type of problems should be fixed by now, partly because I wasn't feeling too well towards the holidays (been too busy too long..... and I hoped it just was me, causing the problems). So I hoped for a fresh start with regular postings (at least once a week). This type of problems doesn't help.
Well I see what can be done, maybe copy & paste will do the trick. We'll see.
CU soon!


Andre de Groot said...

Welcome back Sjef, I'm looking forward to read some new posts here.

Sjef Smeets said...

Thank you, Andre. Sorry you still had to wait longer than I intended.